Please vistit the Local 5 website for more information. If you are interested in becoming involved, please email us at: or speak with your Union Representative.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From Safeway to a UFCW Local 5 S.P.U.R.

Hello, my name is Tamara K. Perine. I have worked for Safeway stores for 18yrs, and in the past two years I’ve been the Shop Steward at my store #1119 Grand Ave in Oakland. This was one of the best moves made for me in the stores along with others!!!!! Since becoming the Shop Steward I have also become a S.P.U.R., which stands for Special Project Union Representative, things have taken flight since then and this has been one of the highlights of my Safeway career. First, let’s begin with the Presidential Election. Our Union (UFCW5) had given me an opportunity to take time off from the stores and do some Organizing with them, and boy did we ever!!!!! I am proud to say that due to all the organizing and volunteering that my UFCW5 union members took place in that WE did our part on seeing to it that we got President Barack Obama in office. I have worked on the Employee Free Choice Act; I’ve traveled outside of the state attending different conferences always representing my UFCW5 brothers and sisters to the fullest. I’ve met so many more of our Brothers and Sisters in other unions and gone to awesome workshops.
I have traveled to New Orleans where we participated in Barack Obama’s call to a National Day of Service, where we volunteered and worked toward restoring baseball fields for the kids in the city. I could not have done this if it was not for our union, and the S.P.U.R. project. The union also made it possible for me to participate in an African American Leadership class at the University of Berkeley. Again, this was a great opportunity for me to learn more about unions and organizing.
So this is just a small summary of what being involved in your Union activities can do for you. Volunteer some of your time if you have it, go to meetings get involved with your union, know your contract and have fun. Local 5 gets involved in many community events. I have also participated in the Juneteenth Festival, Health Care Reform Rallies, attended some City Council meetings and Organizing rallies.
Currently, I am working on getting the word out on Employee Free Choice Act! And in September I will be working on Sickle Cell Awareness with Local 5.
I have met so many wonderful people inside of our local as well as outside.
I never thought that I would be attending meetings, volunteering getting involved with the union. But this was one of the best moves I’ve made and it all started at a
Shop Stewards conference in San Jose.

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